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Benvenuto su Yogatherapy Sicily

Cosa fa Yogatherapy Sicily?

Cosa fa Yogatherapy Sicily?
Yogatherapy Sicily ha lo scopo di favorire salute e benessere, fornendo informazioni e corsi per creare una maggiore consapevolezza e un migliore controllo di corpo e mente.

Basato su una combinazione unica di studi biomedici e yoga, Yoga Therapy offre conoscenze e abilità specifiche per condizioni di salute problematiche legate a disturbi cardiovascolari, respiratori e digestivi o  associate a lesioni muscoloscheletriche, nonché a squilibri del sistema immunitario.

ENG: Yogatherapy Sicily's mission is to stimulate better health and well-being by providing information and courses to create greater awareness and control of one's body and mind.

Based on a unique combination of biomedical and yoga studies, Yoga Therapy and knowledge and skills specific to health conditions such as cardiovascular, respiratory and digestive issues, musculoskeletal injuries and immune system imbalances, amongst many others.

Vascolarizzazione del cuore
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IT: Yogatherapy per disturbi endocrini e il sistema immunitario


ENG: Yogatherapy for Endocrine and Immune System Disorders

IT: Yogatherapy per problemi muscolo-scheletrici e mal di schiena


ENG: Yoga Therapy for Musculoskeletal issues & Lower Back Pain

IT: Ayurveda


ENG: Ayurvedic Healing

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